In earlier days hosting PostgreSQL was a challenge on local. It was eventually replaced by cloud solutions that offered free tiers like Heroku. But recently Heroku has decided to stop their free tier Postgres Service. I have been using the PostgreSQL Service of Heroku a lot for my hobby projects and side projects. But thought, with docker, it will be easy to use Postgres for local development, and then for integration, I can do something like Amazon RDS for PostgresSQL.
- Docker Installed. (You can visit Docker and install the Docker client as per your Operating System.)
- Docker Hub account. (Straightforward register process)
Running PostgreSQL Locally with Docker
The first step is to pull the Official Docker Image of PostgreSQL as below
docker pull postgres
The above statement will pull the official postgres docker image from the docker hub
Once successfully installed, verify if the image is available for local use by firing the below command
docker images
Execute the below command to run and start PostgreSQL within a docker container
docker run --name paaDB -p 5455:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=paa -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=paa123 -e POSTGRES_DB=paa_db -d postgres
- --name : Specifies the name for the container.
- -p : Port exposed for local consumption and mapped to default 5432 port of Postgres
- -e: Setups different PostgreSQL Environment variables exposed by Image. From user, password to DB, and many more.
- -d : Run Postgres image in detached mode, so it keeps running in the background. Once the command is run, you will see a container is created. If you want to verify what all environment variables, PG Version has been run you can execute the below command
docker exec paaDB env
You can alternatively, visit the docker client and see the container running as below
Environment Variables, Stats, Logs, and much more can be viewed via Docker Client UI as below
Connecting via PG Admin
You can use a PostgreSQL client such as PG Admin, which can be downloaded from here to connect your docker running PostgreSQL and create objects and perform other queries.
Just download, create a server, add a Database and play with it.
Voila, with minutes you can have PostGres SQL running on your local.
This article will be kept updated, as I learn and explore more things.
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